
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Discover how a little Italian girl with a Brazilian mum, turned her back to the American dream to travel the world to find her purpose in life and is now impacting thousands of people to share their stories.
Celinne Da Costa is a Life design and brand story coach, who work with visionary leaders, entrepreneurs, founders, to help them leverage the power of storytelling. Celinne’s work has been featured in major publications around the world, including Forbes, HuffPost, and Business Insider. She’s visited 50+ countries and travels full-time while running her business. She has a loyal community of 50,000+ fans following her adventures around the world.
In this riveting conversation, Celinne opens up about her journey from deep frustration, being somebody who didn’t belong in her environment, always wanting to break free to explore the world to being able to impact thousands of followers today.
She explains how she felt an immense amount of pressure to perform in the past and feeling like all the rules were laid out for her to follow.
Consistently questioning her purpose, a life-changing trip in Cambodia triggered her desire of change. She decided to make the most difficult decision to quit her corporate job and travel the world to do a social experiment: “traveling and sleeping in the homes of strangers.”
Celinne believes that we all have a story to tell, and something about our story will inspire and impact someone else if not hundreds, thousands and millions of people.
The show notes and references of the show are available go to www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast
If you've loved this episode, please leave me a review here and share it with people who need to hear this message.

Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Hodan Nalayeh, the founder of Integration TV shares her transformative journey to become the social media powerhouse that she is today. She shares refreshing positive content from Africa and is captivated by the power of stories to change lives.
In this inspiring conversation, Hodan shares how her father, a respected governor who was living a great life in Somalia flew his country to land in Canada and started over his life as a parking lot attendant.
She evokes her first dream of becoming a journalist at a very young age that she couldn’t pursue, as being raised as one of 12 kids didn’t leave much room to pursue her creative ambitious. But many years later after leaving corporate America, she realised her dream.
Going through a painful divorce changed her life in many ways and woke her up spiritually as she tells how this experience gave her the strength to transform her life.
Hodan also shares why she thought that Somali diaspora lacked a sense of identity and why she has decided to share positive stories of her community go back to live in Somalia. She let us inside the reality of running a media company and what it takes to succeed and tells why it’s important for Africans to tell their stories and adopt the digital technology to do so.
Hodan believes that our stories matter. “So many of us live behind our stories, it’s time that we live in front of our stories,” she says.
If you are going through any hardship at the moment, this story will inspire you as Hoday says: ‘give yourself as much as you give to the world’.
The show notes of this episode of MWML are available on my webpage www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast with all the references and resources shared on the show.
Time limited offer:
If you are struggling to find out why your message doesn’t get the engagement you expect from your audience or customers whilst your competition seems to do very well? Apply for a complimentary assessment of your website. I will personally review your website and show you what is confusing your prospects and the easy steps to take to clarify your message. This is a time limited offer. Go to francinebeleyi.com/review to submit your website.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
#22 A Call to Destiny - Empowering African Entrepreneurs with Parminder Vir OBE
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Discover how a girl from rural Punjab, in India, found herself running Africa's biggest entrepreneurship programme.
Parminder Vir OBE is the former CEO of the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), Africa’s leading philanthropic organisation. TEF entrepreneurship program is the most ambitious African Entrepreneurship Programme with a $100 million commitment over 10-year, to identify, train, mentor, and fund 10,000 entrepreneurs from across the continent.
Parminder has a background as film and TV producer with BBC Television, Carlton Television and Channel 4, as well as CEO of her own independent production company. She has also produced some of Britain's biggest events and TV shows including the MOBO Awards and EMMA Awards.
“It was a call to destiny… and having the courage and the imagination to respond to this opportunity at the age of 57,” Parminder says.
In this breath-taking conversation we talk about how she became the CEO of the Tony Elumelu Foundation entrepreneurship program as she was just thinking of retiring. But with the blessing of her husband and her two daughters, she embarked instead on this new adventure in Lagos, Nigeria where she had to imagine what the entrepreneurship program would look like on a blank sheet of paper.
She explains the fascinating concept of ‘institutionalising luck’ and ‘democratizing opportunities’ and the seven pillars of the program and its holistic approach to entrepreneurship development.
She also tells how her storytelling skills as a filmmaker and being on the ground helped to create an original African model rather than adopting western-based business models and also how her biggest challenge was about managing success when the applications received climbed from 20,000 in the first year to 216,000+ the fifth year to select 1000 entrepreneurs.
Parminder reveals how the underlying thread of her multifaceted career led her to become an agent of change in big institutions such as British television and British film industry.
She also talks about how being family and duty-bound were so important that she accepted an arranged marriage at 18 to someone she never met and why failure was not an option as she realised the sacrifice that her parents made to put food on the table. She had to succeed to make a better life!
Parminder believes that you have the power to imagine what you'd like to be and what you'd like to do. You can create the roadmap for achieving them. And whatever you're doing, know that someone else has done it before; you can be inspired by someone else's story.
The show notes of this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast are available at www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast with all the references and resources shared on the show.
Time limited offer: If you are struggling to find out why your message doesn’t get the engagement you expect from your audience or customers whilst your competition seems to do very well Apply for a complimentary assessment of your website. I will personally review your website and show you what is confusing your prospects and the easy steps to take to clarify your message. Go to www.francinebeleyi.com/review to apply.

Tuesday May 28, 2019
#21 Season 3 Intro - Should You Build a Movement or Create a Community
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Welcome to introductory episode of the Season 3 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast. In this third season, I am going to put a strong emphasis on the third M, Movement of the 3 key themes of this podcast: Meaning, Money, and Movement.
In a hyper-competitive landscape improving your products or services only no longer cuts it! People want to dream, to be enchanted by what you offer, they want more than simply a function….
Whether you are a start-up trying to get your product out there or an executive looking to attract great talents or a professional looking to get the attention of recruiters, how are you ensuring that you are building something bigger than yourself or your company that people can dream about and want to be part of?
In this episode I share:
- The difference between building a movement and creating a community
- How to go about creating an engaged and thriving community
- Why you should think about creating your own community
- The single strategy that the most famous platforms such as Airbnb, Uber, Amazon, YouTube and Facebook have used to take over the world and how you can use the same to build your own following
- How to create a sustained engagement in your community beyond ‘likes’ and passive comments
- Practical actions steps to start today
The show notes of this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast are available on my webpage www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast with all the references and resources shared on the show.
Time limited offer to apply for a complimentary assessment of your website at www.francinebeleyi.com/review.

Monday May 20, 2019
#20 Why You Should Visualise Your Life Having All The Money You Want
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
In today‘s episode I’d like to do something a bit different and walk you through a visualisation exercise to imagine how your life will look like when you have achieved the financial goals that you’ve set to yourself and the impact on the other areas of your life.
You’ve probably heard that many lottery winners go broke only a few years after they won millions…
The reason why they lose it all have less to do with money than the psychology and the lack of preparation to handle this event both at an emotional level and at a practical level.
If it were you, if you win 100 million dollars today, how will ensure you stay level-headed, think clearly and stick to your values?
As you are thinking about the money that you need to accomplish your goals, I’d like to invite you to do a reality check now, take a holistic view and consider all the elements in your life that will be impacted once you start bringing in more income.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- Why it is absolutely important to do this visualisation exercise
- How to visualise your desired life in detail as I walk you through the exercise
- How to incorporate the results of the visualisation into an action plan for the short and long term
The pdf of this exercise is available to download in the show notes of the episode 20
Contact Francine Beleyi the host of the show
- Website: francinebeleyi.com/podcast
- Twitter: @FrancineBeleyi
- Instagram: @FrancineBeleyi
- LinkedIn Linkedin.com/in/francinebeleyi

Tuesday May 14, 2019
#19 Why Your Network Is Your Best Shortcut for A Meaningful Life
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Today, I am focusing on why relationships and our network are the essential ingredients and even our shortcut for a meaningful life. I am sure you’ve heard many times that your network is your net worth! Or you are the average of the 5 persons you surround yourself with.
This is a reality that I understood later in life! I always thought that I could rely on myself to achieve my goals. This determination brought me some results but up to a certain point! Around me I could see that some people less smart than me but with the right network & connections were getting way ahead of me! I talk more about this in my book Personal branding in the digital age and this is in part why I wrote that book.
This reality really hit me when I left my corporate job to start my business. And this is when I started to pay attention and decided to deliberately create my success network.
Perhaps you are also late to the game and are just realizing why you should deliberately start to build a solid network.
In this episode I talk about:
- The two key steps you need to take to build a network that can absolutely change your fortune
- I explain the relation between relationship and money matter
- Why you should listen to the episode 14 with Penny Power and her take on building great networks
- Why building strong relationships is crucial now in a fast-changing world than ever
- How to build effective relationships even if you are not naturally good at it
- Three practical tips to boost your relationship skills
- how to Leverage the internet to build the relationships you want
Action points
This is what you to do to start investing in your network today.
- Download the success network weekly sheet
- Write the name of at least 5 people you would like to see in your network in each of the categories and connect with these people – If you do this each week, at the end of the year you will have an amazing network.
- Once you connect keep nourishing your network – each month try to send a message using a content strategy tool
- Leave a message in the comment section below to let me know about your key take-away from this episode.
If you are looking to build your network goals faster and sooner book a call with me to discuss your objectives.
If you’ve enjoyed this podcast and want to show your love and support, subscribe to the MWML podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or the app where you are listening to this podcast and leave me a 5-star review😊. It will take you a minute, but it will mean a lot to me and help me know that it is serving people out there.
See you next week for a brand-new episode, until them Dream, Act and make an Impact
- Personality tests: MBTI, KOLBE or Wealth dynamics
- The YEANICCTM model from the book Personal branding in the digital age
- Personal branding in the digital age: how to become a known expert, thrive and make a difference in the connected world – available as eBook, audiobook and paperbook.
- Download The Success Network weekly sheet

Monday May 06, 2019
#18 How to Tap into 15 Income Streams to Live the Life You Want
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
Today’s episode is focused on bringing you 15 strategies and tips to increase your current income if this is where you are at. I understand some people are happier with less and value having more time for themselves. But I also know that other people are looking for ways to make extra income to achieve their dreams. If that’s you, sit down relax and let’s go!
These strategies work whether you are an employee, a freelancer, a corporate executive or a business owner.
In this episode I talk about:
- Why do you need additional income
- Why it’s a good idea to diversify your income
- How to define your financial goal and the time you want to spend to create an additional income
- How to create value in exchange of money and 15 ideas to generate additional income
- How to define your passions, interests and skills and take an inventory of things to teach others
- And much more
Now let’s dive in
If you would love to explore these ideas further to increase your income, book a call with me at www.francinebeleyi.com/call
The show notes of this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life are available on my webpage www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast with all the references and resources shared on the show.
Whilst you are there, leave a message in the comment section to let me know about your key take-away from this episode.
If you’ve enjoyed this podcast and want to show your love and support, subscribe to the Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or the app where you are listening to this podcast and leave me a 5-star review😊
It will take you a minute, but it will mean a lot to me and help me know that it is serving people out there.

Monday Apr 29, 2019
#17 How to Burst the 5 Money Mindset that Keep You Broke
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Today I am continuing with Money issues that may prevent us to live the life we want and focus on internal issues and often unconscious stuff that we may have around money all our lives without really paying attention to. If we are not aware of what those issues are and take action to address them, we will never get paid what we deserve.
You may be someone who has worked for a long time for great companies. You have had good jobs but feel that your contribution is not recognised or valued as much as you’ll love; your value is often questioned, you struggle to juggle life and work and feel you are giving your all but are nowhere near what you thought you’d be by now at 40+.
You feel your contributions are masked, your ideas are minimized or hi-jacked and your seat at the table you rightly deserve constantly rocks.
But every day you show up in good spirit, do your best and try not to compromise your values. But no matter the real accolades you deserve never come your way – However you refuse to settle for less but feel you have exhausted all the options you tried to get to that place where you will be finally recognised. So what is happening?
There are symptoms that manifest on the surface but are only the tipping part of the iceberg and the real issues. Beneath these symptoms are hidden the root causes and deeply engrained conditioning that has been building up for years and decades. Sure, all your problems in life are not just about internal issues – there are also external factors that play a part. But here, my focus is on what is going with ourselves and have the power to do something about.
In this episode I talk about the:
- 5 mindset issues that rob you from the life you want and the solutions we can find to burst these issues
- Two key symptoms of fears, how they manifest and how to learn to identify them and take control
- Why awareness is the first step to achieving our goals
- 5 empowering thoughts to combat any negative thought around money
- Why the clearer and the closer we get to our purpose, the more we will be able to control our fear
Download the workbook to identify your scariest money mindset issue and take immediate action to implement it. www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast
If you would love to talk your issues through and solve them much smarter and a lot sooner, I can help you …. Book a call with me at www.francinebeleyi.com/call
Contact Francine Beleyi, the host of the show
Website: www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast – post your comment below the posts
Twitter: @FrancineBeleyi
Instagram: @FrancineBeleyi

Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
#16 Why You Are Not Getting Paid What You’re Worth with Francine Beleyi
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Welcome to Season 2 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast. When I started this podcast 15 episodes ago, my focus was to find out and share with you how successful CEOs, entrepreneurs, thought-leaders have found their way doing Meaning Working and living a Meaningful Life.
In our conversation with my guests we discussed 3 key themes:
- Meaning, how they’ve managed to do work that matter
- Money, how to get paid well doing what we love
- Movement, how they are impacting others.
The 3Ms, Meaning, Money, Movement that I discuss in this show is actually compression of the 7 pillars that I described in my first book ‘Personal Branding in the digital age: how to become a known expert, thrive and make a difference in a connected world.’
In the book, I’ve shared a lot of insights gained from my search for a solution and the insightful discussions with a wide range of people across all walks of life, with different levels and forms of success. The book is available as eBook, paperback and audiobook on Amazon, iTunes, Audible and other online book stores; go and check it out.
In this Season 2, I’d like to deep dive on the second M money – why? This is a topic that I’ve struggled with myself and my clients have also struggled with that led me to study marketing in depth. But this is also part of a bigger vision to see a world without poverty!
Last year, I had the opportunity to co-create a community of women entrepreneurs across Africa. When I looked at the issues that hundreds of them face, money issue is at the top of the chart in various ways. So, I’d like to dig a bit deeper around this issue and propose some of the ways we can be smarter when it comes to getting paid what we want & live the life we want.
Money is one of these topics that get people excited: positively and negatively… That is the point! There are taboos, limiting beliefs, fears, myths around money especially with people who have a big heart and want to help others but are struggling themselves. If you are one of those you understand what I mean, right? Perhaps you are a professional or executive in a corporate who are still struggling to negotiate a higher salary or get a promotion…If that’s you, it’s time to call this off, get educated and make better decisions.
In today’s episode I explore the three key reasons why you are not getting paid what you want. Listen to the episode to find out what they are and what you can do about them.
If you have one of these 3 problems and would love to solve them much smarter and a lot sooner, I can help you …. Book a call with me at www.francinebeleyi.com/call
What is one of the toughest money issues you are struggling with right now that is preventing you to live a meaningful life? Leave me a message under this post at www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast.
The show notes of this episode of MWML are available on my webpage www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast with all the references and resources shared on the show.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Bonus Episode: It's Not Too Late with Francine Beleyi
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
This is a time for me to take a pause after the 15th episode to thank you all my listeners. Thank you for your support, the messages and reviews that you’ve left me whether it’s on iTunes, social media, on my website or by direct email. These messages mean a lot to me and encourage me to bring you more inspiration.
I’ve started this podcast back in January 2019 and we are now in April. 15 episodes is a good milestone, but I am only getting started and would love to celebrate my 50th episode, 100th episode and much more!
This podcast is the place where I interview today’s most inspiring thought-leaders, authors, speakers, CEOs, entrepreneurs and change makers who share how they found & followed their path in life. I want to have honest conversations with my guests to share both their successes and failures and you’ve seen how many of them were open and sincere when sharing what it took to get to where they are now.
Thought-provoking Insights and Practical Frameworks
I’ve been so inspired and learnt so much with my guests in the season 1 and hope you were too. They have given actionable steps and very useful frameworks to help come up with our own answers to live a fulfilled life
Akhatar Badhash (ep 8) shared the 6 Cs to live a fulfilled life: Conviction, Creativity, Capability, Capacity, Commitment and Compassion.
Suki Fuller (ep 9) shared the 3 As to apply to move from a mundane job to do something meaningful: Awareness of what you want to do, Advocacy is what you need to do to get there and finally, Action to make it happen.
Andrew Priestley (ep 13) talked about the 3 things that need to occur to achieve meaning: you've got to love what you do; you've got to actually be good at it and find where can you achieve the most value.
Jazz Rasool (ep 10) shared 3 core things that need to happen to bring you life: what you're passionate about, what you're talented in and what you have a sense of responsibility or duty for. If those 3 conditions are not there, you will struggle to make it.
You’ve heard all their amazing stories, their struggles and how they’ve come through on the other side. There is so much more wisdom from my other guests and I really invite you to listen to them all as they bring a different perspective that will give you much clarity.
I am preparing the Season 2 of the show with even more inspiring stories and very granular actionable steps my guests have taken to get to where they are today and how you too can do the same.
While I am putting all this in place, I will keep you company in the next episodes with my own insights of what you might consider to do meaningful work and live a meaningful life.
If there is a specific topic, you’d like me to discuss, please send me a message or comment under the show notes at www.francinebeleyi.com/podcast. I might pick your question to answer on the show; so don’t hesitate to send me your questions.

Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Sonya Morton-Firth is a High-Performance Executive Coach; Property Investor and Physique Competitor.
Sonya left a corporate high-pressured sales job in the City of London after 20 years to start her business in fashion and fitness, building a strong brand but ended up selling this business to her partner.
She confessed that she was successful but not fulfilled and that is actually the ultimate failure as she puts it.
She took what she learnt in her corporate life and in business to support businesses and help people discover their passion and their purpose.
She opens up about some tough moments when she lost her job, her home, and relationship in the same week. But also, how reaching this very low point in her life enabled her to grow and learn and even helped her discover her true purpose. She shares the strategies that she applied to get back on her feet.
She also tells me how her definition of who she is has drastically changed in the past two years as she understands with time that it's not just all about money! and there’s something much more important in life and feeling that you're contributing.
She does share nevertheless great tips and ways you can increase your income and build financial freedom and alternative ways to fund what you want you care about.
Sonya believes that we all have power within us, and we just need to tap into that power sometimes with the help of others. Now let dive in.

Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Penny Power is Entrepreneur, Community Builder, Professional Speaker & Author. She Founded Ecademy, the first online business community for business in 1998, for which she was awarded an OBE in 2014. In this conversation, Penny opens up and tell me about the reality behind the glamour. What we never get to see behind the shiny side put forward and why she decided to talk openly about it now.
She tells me the unplanned circumstances that led her to go into business and how an encounter with a young child developed her passion for helping others. She also shares why she and her husband are passionate about building great network of entrepreneurs and how they went from being valued at £22 million pounds to zero with 3 young kids to feed and the surprising lessons learnt from this experience.
She tells me how she realised that the online world was causing isolation and mental health issues and has decided to talk about the hardship of entrepreneurial journey from a mental and emotional point of view.
Penny believes that we should treat one another in business with kindness and create safe places to feel like we can be ourselves.
If you are going through some hardship in your life and feel isolated, this open and honest conversation will re-ignite you and give you food for thought. Now let’s dive in

Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
#13 Courage to Live Your Values with Andrew Priestley
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Andrew Priestley is a business leadership coach, entrepreneur, business strategist, speaker, author & publisher. Andrew specialised in helping people build character, professional happiness and fulfilment.
He tells me how he transitioned from being a teacher to become a peak performance coach and the bumpy journey it took to get there. As a psychologist he explains the Science of Well-being and what really make us happy and shares how he became comfortable in his own in skin in his forties.
He also explains that doing meaningful work is actually doing grown-ups work; not adult work. He also shed some light on how super successful people set their priorities and how struggling people have this order backwards.
He provides master tips on how to articulate your value to others and provide a great framework to do so. He provided a lot of peak performance hacks and how it all starts with awareness.
Andrew believes in family values and grounded leadership for a fulfilled life. He gives practical tips to refuel your spirit as well as your body and how to slow down so you can speed up.
You are literally in for a treat in this thought-provoking conversation to do meaningful work and live a meaningful life!
Key points discussed
- Why we aren’t satisfied with our current situation because of the judgement call we make
- Why people are afraid to make a choice in life and the 3 things that need to occur to achieve meaning
- Why we don’t really see things when you're too close to what you're good at,
- Why servant leadership, helping others, making an impact in other people’s lives is a great way to do meaningful work
- How to find the entry point of our wider contribution to the world
- How to perform without putting so much pressure on ourselves
- And much more
Now let’s listen to this insightful conversation with Andrew Priestley

Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Gilles Amadou Acogny is Co-Founder & CEO of Acosphere, a London based firm that delivers consultancy and transformational Training. Gilles manages the company with his wife Nadia Mensah Acogny who was on the show in the episode 11.
Gilles focusses on leadership, general management and vision in the business. He tells me how having clear rules allow them to function well and challenge each other to think outside the box.
He talks about why he decided to leave his high-flying job in sales at Xerox to invest everything into his own business and how he convinced his wife, Nadia, to start the business with him after she initially saying no. We also discussed his previous career and how he became one of the top executives in the companies he worked for and turn them around significantly.
Gilles believes in the transformative power of public speaking and wish he knew this way earlier. You will find this conversation very rich and inspiring as he shares great insights and practical tips to do meaningful work and leave a meaningful life!
Key points discussed
- The impact of his childhood and travels living on three continents and how he developed his sales acumen by understanding cultures and people.
- How the education he received has equipped him to deal with good and bad times and formed his positive character
- The influence of his mentor Addison Barry Rand at Xerox on building his drive and why mentorship can make a difference in the life of others
- How he is being challenged by his teenagers’ kids, helping him to stay relevant in today’s world
- Gilles deconstructs how fear prevents us to do what we really love and what to do about it
- How to speak your truth and not allow other people or organisations to hinder your authenticity
And much more…Now let’s listen to this insightful conversation with Gilles Amadou Acogny.

Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Nadia Mensah-Acogny is co-founder and COO of Acosphere, a journalist and columnist for Forbes Afrique. She edits the annual list of the 100 most influential women in Africa. Nadia is passionate about gender matters and sits on the Advisory Council of the Women in Africa Initiative.
In our conversation, Nadia shares why she decided to leave her job in the realm of power to co-create the consulting firm Acosphere with her husband and offers some insights on how to make it work when working in couple.
She shares how she finally took the time to discover who she was at 50; How her childhood exposed her to different cultures and enabled her to speak 9 languages. Why we should always listen to ourselves but also why it's extremely important to love ourselves.
Nadia believes that we need to dream, dare and be resilient to do meaningful work and live a meaningful life. She wants to be remembered as a catalyst, the person who helps you discover who you are.
Key points discussed
- How and why you should listen to yourself and your ideas and how to go about doing this.
- Why it's extremely important to love ourselves
- How to transform a challenge into an opportunity
- How she and her husband are starting a movement helping people to develop with transformational training
- And much more
Now let’s listen to this insightful conversation with Nadia Mensah-Acogny

Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Jazz Rasool is a Researcher at Ravensbourne College in London, a well-known training centre where the likes of David Bowie or Stella McCartney studied. He is working in advancing the use of Multimedia, Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education.
Jazz is also the creator of Atmascope, a 'Resonance Engine', that enables people to discover their purpose … He began this work with Unilever in 2004, providing a Health & Wellbeing experience for Global Directors during their Rebranding programme.
I’ve known Jazz for more than a decade now, when I’ve learnt his system at the time called Energy Diamond and I was part of a team of coaches to work on hundreds of case studies to help people create momentum in their life. His system merged western and eastern philosophies to uncover deeper Intentions vs interests, Priorities rather than preferences and look at our Being rather than our behaviours. Jazz also provides coaching, mentoring and Executive presentations to stimulate creativity in individuals, teams and organisations.
In our conversation, Jazz shared how he was determined to become an astronaut and ended up studying Mind Body medicine. He also shares how he became homeless and being close to death and what that taught him.
He explains where his deep desire to help people improve their well-being and make a difference come from. He offers a simple yet powerful method to identify what drains us out of energy in life and how to take control to change it - as well as practical steps to turn values into valuables to become successful.
Jazz believes that true compassion helps people discover the truth that brings them life as opposed to disable them!
This conversation is really deep and insightful as I was expecting; anytime I have a conversation with Jazz, I have a new level of understanding and I am sure you will too.
Key points discussed
- The three core elements that bring life to people and a simple exercise to discover your real purpose and keep momentum in your life
- The hard way that he learnt that you can end up failing life if you fail to collaborate with others and why helping others to help each other became the focus of his work.
- How to see money as a resource amongst others and learn to attract the others to create a virtuous circle
- The profound impact that an encounter with a young Syrian refugee in Jordan made on him
- And much more
Now, listen to this insightful conversation with Jazz Rasool

Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Suki Fuller is an Analytical Storyteller, Competitive and Strategic Intelligence expert. She is also a global speaker, advisor and mentor. She is sought for her experience in the early adoption of emergent technologies and ability to translate the quantitative into qualitative insights.
Suki is also an advisor, board member, investor and NED to several startups. She was named one of the 30 Change Makers for London Tech Week 2018 and one of Computer Weekly Most Influential Women in UK IT 2018 - Five Rising Star.
In our conversation Suki shared how she navigated her way to become the analytical storyteller that she is today helping organisations to make better decision with competitive intelligence. How being fired from a high-flying job was the best thing that happened to her.
Suki believes that we can't tell people what they want to hear but instead tell them the truth! She recommends to look at the morality, the ethics and the empathy behind the technology we use. You will find this open and honest conversation refreshing, and above all, inspiring as Suki shares great insights and practical tips to be counted! Let’s dive in.
Key points discussed
- Suki explains how she adds value as analytical storyteller for organisations
- How her childhood developed her character, worldview and her insatiable curiosity
- Why it’s always a good idea to give people options to explore things for themselves
- A very useful framework, the 3 As, to make better decisions and accomplish your goals faster
- How to set healthy boundaries online and make informed choice when using social media and digital tools
- Tips for introverts to network like pros
- And much more
Now let’s listen to this insightful conversation with Suki Fuller. Let’s dive in!

Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Akhtar Badshah believes that we should be unreasonable in life but also a learner. He is a former Senior Director of Microsoft Citizenship and Public Affairs, an expert on social impact, philanthropy, CSR and international development but also an author and artist. Akhtar is the founder and Chief Catalyst of Catalytic Innovators Group a consulting practice focused on accelerating social impact. He teaches at the University of Washington, School of Business and Evans School of Public Policy and Governance.
This conversation is unique, contrarian and refreshing, sometimes hilarious but profoundly deep conversation. Akhtar doesn’t do things like others and prefers to live an unstructured life!
Sit down, relax and really pay attention to this ground-breaking conversation. Let’s dive in
Key points discussed
- Akhtar explains how he became a Philanthropist after a highflying career.
- How he moved out of a middle-class India to explore the world and the circumstances that shaped his vision of the world
- Why meaning in life comes through you and how to make time to do what is important to you now
- A valuable framework with the Six Cs to live a successful life
- What it really means to have passion vs compassion
- And so much more
Now let’s listen to this insightful conversation with Akhtar Badshah.

Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Sophie Bryan is a Culture Change expert, TEDx Speaker | Writer | Trainer and Action Learning Coach. She is passionate about making change happen.
In our conversation, Sophie explains how she discovered her calling and decided to focus her work on culture change. She talks also about how to transform a traditional organisation into an innovative one and how to win hearts and minds instead of just training people to adapt to change. We’ve also discussed how you can transition from a corporate job to do a more entrepreneurial work.
Sophie believes that we can use the Montessori teaching elements of freedom, curiosity and play both in our work and life for a more fulfilled life.
Key points discussed
- How she discovered her calling and decided to focus her work on culture change
- How to spot a truly innovative organisation where you can do a meaningful work
- Why the appraisal process in organisations is outdated and what should be done instead
- Why the command and control approach in Education system and in the workplace must end to create 21st century fully functioning individuals
- How to apply the Montessori teaching of freedom curiosity and play in our work and life
- And so much more
Now let’s listen to this insightful conversation with Sophie Bryan.

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Henry Stewart is the Founder and Chief Happiness Officer of Happy Ltd. He is also author of two books Relax: A Happy Business Story and The Happy Manifesto. He helps people create happy workplaces!
In our conversation, Henry explains how he started Happy Computers after a disastrous job experience and why he decided to create a principled organisation where people are happy.
Henry believes that we should find joy in our work 80% of the time and shares the key elements to become happy at work and in life. He believes that making mistakes is a key ingredient of resilience and why you should never try to fit in! I am sure you will be energised by this fun and insightful conversation.
Key points discussed
- How to choose an organisation where you are likely to be happy
- Why the easiest way to be happy is to help other people.
- Why making mistakes is a key ingredient of resilience
- How his childhood has shaped his worldview
- Why you should treat people the way they want to be treated not as you want to be treated.
- His vision to see happy workplace becomes the norm, not the exception.
Now, listen to my conversation with Henry Stewart to learn much more.

Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Naomi Sesay is one of the most exciting personal development authors, a global speaker, former TV producer, serial entrepreneur, and currently On Screen Diversity Executive at Channel 4. Naomi is also a well-recognised wealth creation expert in the UK and has researched the mind-boggling world of Quantum Physics.
Naomi is someone who is difficult to put in a box as you will discover in our fascinating conversation. I’ve known her for more than a decade now and the reason I’ve invited her on this show is to experience a glimpse of her wisdom and go away not just inspired by what she says but really take one or 2 things that resonate with you and apply in your life immediately.
We’ve discussed why you should absolutely understand who you are and what you like, why it’s mandatory to find your purpose but also how we can navigate our parents’ expectation when it doesn’t align with who we are. She also talked about how to be bold and take risk in life. Naomi believes that everything we go through is a learning and all our experiences -good & bad- make us who we are.
Key points discussed
- Why it’s mandatory to find your purpose and how to use it to live your life
- How to resist to your parent’s expectation when you don’t feel like it
- How to be ready to spot the opportunity that will change your life – how to take a risk on your passion
- Why we should be bold and take risks with our passion
- What is the lesson you need to learn in life to move on?
- How her mum gave her the right foundation in life
- Why you should create what you love doing… NOW

Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Tanya Tarr is Vice President at advantage SPRING, Forbes Contributor & Negotiation Strategist. A former politician turned negotiation coach and entrepreneur, Tanya has interviewed hundreds of women executives from different representations in power writing for Forbes. She shares some great insights from her experience of what it takes to do meaningful work and live a meaningful life.
Key points discussed
- To find your purpose you have to be willing to have a frank and difficult conversation to have with yourself. It may be easier to ask what is the problem that I want to solve in the world? Her guiding star.
- How her multicultural background and experience shaped her curiosity about the world (she is half Korean-half Brazilian and spoke four different languages at home: English, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish)
- Tips to become good a master negotiator
- Why she decided to leave the not for profit world, having spent years promoting other people causes to transition into the business world
- Some powerful questions you should ask yourself to do what we’re passionate about and get paid for it
- Why doing what you love as a job can cease to become a passion and how to go about solving this dilemma
- Why trusting your gut and instincts early in life and believing in yourself should be your north star

Monday Jan 21, 2019
#03 Follow Your Curiosity with Sukhi Jutla, Founder of MarketOrders
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Sukhi Jutla is the Founder of MarketOrders, the B2B trade marketplace for gold jewellery and diamonds. Sukhi is the author of 3 books including ‘Escape The Cubicle: Quit The Job You Hate. Create a Life You Love’, a regular keynote speaker and passionate about supporting female entrepreneurship.
She is an IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer and became the World’s First #1 Bestselling ‘Blockchain’ Author. Listed as one of the Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech, Sukhi left a decade of corporate life to be an entrepreneur. A meaningful life for her is being the best version of yourself and fully accepting who you are and what you have to offer.
She is passionate to get people to really understand that there's more to life than just a desk job. In this episode, she shares great insights from her journey, challenges and lessons learnt that I am sure will inspire you to live your dream life now.
Key points discussed
- Why it took her 10 years to leave the corporate world that she hated to do her own thing
- How she managed to write her books even with a full-time job and tips for would-be authors and the power of committed decision
- How following her curiosity helped her to find their purpose
- Why having gratitude for where you are should be a key principle in life
- How losing her dad helped her to better appreciate the incredible opportunities of life
- Why walking away from a quarter of a million pounds was one of the most empowering experience she ever had and became even more fearless!
- Why you should always follow your gut instinct
- How the quiet child she was once living in fear and always colouring inside the boxes eventually rebelled to become fearless

Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Courtney Kirschbaum is the Founder and CEO of Job Hunt School, award-winning keynote and TEDx Speaker. Courtney is on a mission to build a movement of entrepreneurial job seekers who know their value and want to find their place. She wants to be remembered as a liberator who won't judge others just because they decide to take their freedom. We are trapped by preconceived notions, by ignorance, by shame and it is so easy to provide knowledge and encouragement and liberate a person. Her greatest power is to believe in people before they believe in themselves.
Key points discussed
- The 3 most important factors to take into consideration when seeking new opportunities
- Why living in truth is the way for a more meaningful work and meaningful life
- Why she is passionate about helping job seekers and getting them to see their value
- Hard lessons learnt from challenging situations and why quitting should never be an option
- Why many people are underpaid in the workforce and how she’s able to increase her clients' salaries by more than 50%
- The importance to know your value and asking for what you want with confidence
- How you can always make different choices, get the education and the knowledge you need to reposition yourself
You really don’t want to miss the gems shared by Courtney whether you are a job seeker or just looking to do a more meaningful work.

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Purpose-driven people are doing what they love, making the money they need and impacting positively the lives of others. Join me, Francine Beleyi, every Tuesdays on the ‘Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life’ podcast as I interview today’s most inspiring thought-leaders, authors, speakers, CEOs, entrepreneurs and change makers. These honest conversations will empower you to redefine the life you want and live your best life now!